Hirjibehedin Research Group

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Figure S1.pxp (5.36 MB)

Figure S1.pxp

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posted on 2017-10-11, 13:25 authored by Ben WarnerBen Warner, Toby GillToby Gill, Cyrus HirjibehedinCyrus Hirjibehedin

STM topographic image of FePc on silicene/ZrB2 at room temperature. A) The FePc molecules remain pinned to the domain boundaries and stable. As at low temperatures for the same imaging conditions, four lobes are observed for each molecule, with the two ligands on the side of the molecule over the domain boundary appearing less bright than the two ligands over the domain. From the bright lobes, the orientation of the molecules can be seen to be either along the extended, straight sections of the domain boundaries (white dotted circles) or along the kinks that appear when a domain boundary shifts to a neighboring row of Si ‘up’ atoms (red dotted circles). Two molecules in the upper-left corner are seen to be on opposite sides of a domain boundary that cannot be clearly resolved. Blue arrows highlight another domain boundary that is clearly visible and has a molecule bound on one side. (12.1 nm × 18.3 nm, Vset = -1.0V, Iset = 1.0 nA). B) Zoom of the region around the labeled domain boundary (indicated with blue arrows) as well as the molecule bound to it (black dotted circle) using a different color scale. Dashed black lines run along the Si ‘up’ atoms parallel to the domain boundary. As expected, an offset between the lattices on either side of the domain boundary is observed and the spacing between these rows is larger at the domain boundary.
